
How can small business sell online?

How can small business sell online?

by Site ​Admin -
Number of replies: 38

How can small business sell online?

We want to hear your opinion!

For the launch of the EBRD Know How Academy learning platform, the EBRD team and partners will be hosting a three day online discussion on the ‘how to sell online’ from 24 to 26 October 2023.

The purpose of this discussion is to get a better understanding of the online sales channels available for small business and the challenges they face in reaching their potential markets virtually. The discussion will take place primarily in Arabic, English, French and Russian.

Leading questions for the entrepreneurs:


  • Which online channels do you use?
  • What challenges have you faced selling online?
  • What knowledge and support may help you to increase your online sales?

In today’s challenging digital marketplace, it is essential that small businesses understand how to grow their online customer base, increase their online sales and profits and boost customer satisfaction in order to stay competitive and thrive. Understanding how to compare and contrast e-commerce marketplaces, social media, and dedicated websites, and how to identify the combinations that work for your business is key. Find out more by completing our course on Selling on the right online channels.

About the EBRD

At the EBRD, we know that vibrant small and medium-sized enterprises are vital to economic life, across the 37 economies where we work. From accessing finance to business advice, the EBRD seeks to help businesses gain the skills, knowledge and resources they need to take the next step. We also work closely with our partner financial institutions in each country to help them offer financial products that meet the needs of small businesses, serving their customers better for the long term.


#EBRDKHA #SmallBusinessSupport

Find out more by completing our course on Selling on the right online channels!

Partners for this discussion


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In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
Welcome to our online discussion. Leave your comments below.

In reply to salema gulbahar

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
That sounds like a fantastic initiative, and I'm glad the EBRD is taking steps to support small businesses in the digital marketplace.

I'm curious about the specifics of the online discussion. Will it be conducted as a series of webinars, live Q&A sessions, or perhaps through a dedicated online platform? Also, how can small business owners and entrepreneurs participate and access the discussions in Arabic, English, French, or Russian? It would be great to know more about the logistics and how to get involved. Thanks! #EBRDKHA #SmallBusinessSupport
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
Hi, welcome. Firstly if you log into this platform (with an email and a name) then you will have the option to change the language and see content in the language of your choice and to access all the modules for free. The visitor mode only allows you to see this page in English and leave comments. Secondly, this discussion it is more like a forum, with question and answers or business can share their comments and experinvce on the questions above.
In reply to salema gulbahar

Re: Online discussion

by Deleted user -
Ah yes! I have just done it and now have access to all the documentation. I will have a look through and keep you posted. Do you have an email contact I can get in touch with for future communications?
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
Hi Thomas. You can message us here even privately if yo have a question or want us to message you.
In reply to salema gulbahar

Re: Online discussion

by Melisbek Kyrgyzaliev -
Hello! I am Melisbek from Kyrgyzstan. Yes I am selling online from my local online web site, mine is local gracery store. Here in Kyrgyzstan we have good internet connection and other structures to deal with e-commerce. For e-commerce we have special tax which is only %2 from sales. Our citizens easily make business at internatinal marketplaces like amazon, e-bay, wildeberries, ozon etc. To make internationl e-commerce business you need to know language I think. Nowadays our new generation spaeks both english and russian languages.
In reply to salema gulbahar

Re: Online discussion

by Melisbek Kyrgyzaliev -
We have some problems to make international business/ to export products that is logistics. International logistics is not so developed here except to russia. It is very expesive to export to europe or unites states.
In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Online discussion

by Jamila Hadri -
Welcome Everyone
In reply to Jamila Hadri

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
What are the main challenges do small businesses trying to sell online face in Morocco?
In reply to salema gulbahar

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
Selling online in Morocco, like in many countries, comes with its own set of challenges for small businesses. Some of the main challenges that small businesses may face when trying to sell online in Morocco include:

  • Limited E-commerce Infrastructure: While e-commerce is growing in Morocco, the infrastructure is still developing. Small businesses may face challenges related to payment gateways, delivery logistics, and reliable internet connectivity.
  • Limited Internet Penetration: Access to the internet can be limited in certain regions of Morocco, which can restrict the potential customer base for online businesses.
  • Payment Methods: Many Moroccans still prefer cash-on-delivery as a payment method. Integrating this option can be challenging for small e-commerce businesses. Additionally, credit card usage is not as widespread as in some other countries.
  • Trust and Security: Building trust with online customers can be a challenge. Concerns about online fraud and data security can deter potential customers.
  • Language and Localization: Offering websites and customer support in Arabic and French is important, as these are the main languages spoken in Morocco. Ensuring that the content is culturally relevant is also crucial.
  • Competition: The e-commerce market in Morocco is becoming more competitive, with both local and international players. Small businesses may struggle to compete with larger, established online retailers.
  • Customs and Import Regulations: If a business is importing goods to sell in Morocco, they may face challenges related to customs regulations and import duties.
  • Marketing and Visibility: Getting noticed among the vast number of online businesses can be difficult. Small businesses may struggle with digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Fulfillment and Delivery: Reliable and cost-effective shipping and delivery solutions can be challenging for small businesses, particularly for those operating in remote areas.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that the business complies with all relevant regulations and licenses for e-commerce can be a complex process.
  • Seasonal Demand: Some businesses may face seasonal fluctuations in demand, which can make it difficult to maintain a consistent income.
  • Economic Challenges: Economic factors can affect consumer spending and, therefore, the success of online businesses. Economic downturns can reduce consumer purchasing power.

To overcome these challenges, small businesses in Morocco can benefit from working with local partners, investing in their online presence, focusing on customer trust and satisfaction, and adapting to the specific needs and preferences of the Moroccan market. Additionally, staying updated on evolving e-commerce trends and regulations is essential for long-term success.
In reply to Jamila Hadri

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
Merci beaucoup pour l'opportunité de participer à cette discussion. Je suis une jeune entrepreneure Turque et serais intéressée à savoir les opportunités de formation et appui à la numérisation offertes par la BERD. à qui puis-je m'adresser?
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
Hi, if you can email your request to knowhowturkey@ebrd.com then someone from our Turkey team will get back to you.
In reply to Jamila Hadri

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
Hello Jamila. Donde estàs baseada?
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by Jamila Hadri -
Hi, thank you for you great inputs about selling online especially in Morocco.

For you question, can you please elaborate more?
In reply to Jamila Hadri

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
Je voudrais savoir où se trouvent les bureaux de l'Académie Know How au Maroc. Je suis basée à Salé et intéressée aux opportunités de formation en gestion environnementale.
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by Jamila Hadri -
What a great question.

Know How Academy is an online platform 100% digital. all the modules are accessible and free. The modules are available also in different languages.

For any future in person capacity building opportunities in green in Morocco, please share your contacts and you business with this email: howhowmoro@ebrd.com. we will keep you posted.
In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Online discussion

by Bilguun Batsukh -
Hi. As small business, we do not have much funding or technical capacity. Does selling online require much investment? What should we prepare before we sell online?
In reply to Bilguun Batsukh

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
As carpet selling business in kazakhstan, I have learned that selling online doesn't necessarily require a substantial initial investment, but there are some key considerations and preparations you should make before starting an online business, especially if you have limited funding and technical capacity. Here are some steps to help you get started without breaking the bank:
  • Market Research: Understand your audience and product demand.
  • Choose a Platform: Use affordable e-commerce platforms.
  • Website: Build a simple website using user-friendly tools.
  • Product Focus: Start with a limited product range.
  • Quality Photos: Invest in good product photos.
  • Content: Write compelling product descriptions.
  • Payment & Shipping: Research cost-effective options.
  • Marketing: Use free or low-cost marketing channels.
  • Customer Service: Provide excellent service.
  • Compliance: Follow legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Start Small: Begin with a minimal budget.
  • Budgeting: Create and stick to a budget.
  • Scale Gradually: Invest as your business grows.
Starting small and growing as you succeed will help you manage your budget effectively.
In reply to Bilguun Batsukh

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
Thanks for this event and for the platform.
Just to help Bilguun, during the Zoom meeting Silvia Carter said that a physical shop is 500% more expensive than an online shop. So, if you are already selling with a store, your indicative budget for online sales could be 500% cheaper than your physical store.
That sounds amazing!
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by Deleted user -
Oh wow, it does indeed sound amazing!
I would really love to see the recording of that zoom meeting!! Could you please upload it here????
Thank you from Kirgizistan!
In reply to Bilguun Batsukh

Re: Online discussion

by Predrag Stojkovski -

It depands of your business. You can sell your products online by creating e-commerce website that is investment about 5000 euros (more or less). But also you can sell your products using your social media platforms.
In reply to Predrag Stojkovski

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
Dear Predrag, can you share what social media channels you are using to sell your products and what resources are required to do this?
In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
This is a fantastic initiative! 🌟 It's crucial for small businesses to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. I'm looking forward to the insights that will come out of this online discussion. It's a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to share their experiences, learn from each other, and gain the knowledge and support needed to boost their online sales. Let's empower small businesses and help them succeed! 💼💪 #EBRDKHA #SmallBusinessSupport
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
For me, the artificial intelligence tools are overwhelming. There are too many. It is too hard to understand how to use them, but also how to choose which one to use.
A tool or a training explaining that, would be very useful.
Do you know any for a small business?
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by Deleted user -
I understand that the overwhelming number of artificial intelligence tools available can be daunting, especially for small businesses that may not have dedicated AI experts on staff. To help small businesses navigate the world of AI, there are many online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy that offer courses on AI and machine learning. These courses are often designed for non-technical individuals and can provide a good foundation.
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by Deleted user -
Microsoft Learn offers a free amazing course on AI - see here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/transform-your-business-with-microsoft-ai/
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Online discussion

by KHA Visitor -
Je veux aussi vous fair part du travail fait par l'oit avec l'initiative femmes entrepreneures vers le numérique. Vous pouvez en savoir plus à ce lien: www.widb.network
In reply to KHA Visitor

Re: Online discussion

by Carlo Maria Delù -
Hello! Thank you very much for sharing our programme. Indeed, the ITCILO and ILO are working jointly with Microsoft to design and implement training on digital skills for women entrepreneurs. Do have a look at the website if you would like to learn more.
In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Online discussion

by Deleted user -
In todays digital age, takin your busness online is cruical. Here are ways I explored to begin sellin online, along with some challanges:

1. **E-commerce Websit:** Create your online store usin platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigComerce. Challange: Buildin a website can be time-consumin and requires tech skillz.

2. **Social Media:** Leverage platformz like Facebook and Instagram. Challange: Gainin a followin takes time, and algorhythms can be unpredictble.

3. **Online Marketplces:** Join Amazon, eBay, or Etsy to access a wider audiance. Challange: You'll face increas competition on these platformz.

4. **Dropshippin:** Partner with suppliers who handle inventory and shippin. Challange: Findin reliable partnrs can be a challange.

5. **Digital Products/Services:** If your busness offers digital products or servces, set up a platform for them. Challange: Marketin these products effectively can be tricky.

6. **Email Marketin:** Build and mantain an email list for customer engagment. Challange: Buildin a substantal list takes time.

7. **Mobile Apps:** Develope a dedicated busness app for a better mobile experiance. Challange: App developmnt can be costly.

8. **Influencer Collaboraton:** Partner with influencerz for wider reach. Challange: Findin the right influencer can be challanging.

9. **Online Advertisin:** Invest in online ads. Challange: Managin ad spend and ROI can be complex.

10. **SEO Optimizaton:** Ensure your online presance is search engine optimized. Challange: SEO is a long-term strategy that requires ongoin effort.

Challanges exist, but with determinaton and adaptaton, takin your busness online can lead to growth and success in todays digital world.
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Online discussion

by Youssef Benzekri -
Very important to gain more rentability and transparency using data tools is very practical and pragmatic of politics of sustainable development to gain more funds
In reply to Youssef Benzekri

Re: Online discussion

by salema gulbahar -
Yes, I agree with you. Data is essential for both understanding and designing your strategy.
In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Discussion en ligne

by Nouhayla Marzouq -
Bonjour à tous,

En tant que startup Snazzy Marketplace, nous avons pour projet d'explorer de nouvelles opportunités d'exportation depuis le Maroc vers les États-Unis et GCC. Cependant, nous sommes conscients que cela implique un certain nombre d'étapes et de considérations spécifiques. Nous souhaitons obtenir des conseils et des retours d'expérience de la part de ceux qui ont de l'expérience dans l'exportation vers ces destinations. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît partager les étapes clés que nous devrions suivre pour réussir notre démarche d'exportation vers ces marchés ? Vos connaissances et votre expertise seront grandement appréciées.
Merci d'avance !
In reply to Nouhayla Marzouq

Re: Discussion en ligne

by Jamila Hadri -
Hello Nouhayla,

We are organizing next month in person training about export and digital with experts. This can be a great opportunity to answer you questions. send us an email on knowhowmor@ebrd.com, we will provide more these details.
In reply to Site ​Admin

Re: Comment peuvent les petites entreprises vendre en ligne?

by Bassem Ennaifar -
An SME has to offer a unique solution to a particular problem. But to be successful, it must also :
- Check its legal notices,
- Insert contact forms or indicate how it can be reached by e-mail or telephone,
- Specify the times at which sales are available and the response time (48 hours as a general rule),
- Make the platform secure, especially when it comes to payment. Customers will be reassured if they have to confirm the purchase with their bank,
- Include e-mails for each phase of the purchase: payment confirmation, payment receipt, order form, e-mail indicating shipment and delivery, as well as delivery times.
- Multiply payment methods.